The concert The Four Seasons, Emperor Concerto & Chopin in Mirror Chapel, Klementinum in Old Town of Prague

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We invite you to attend the concert in Clementinum ´s the Chapel of Mirrors - The Four Seasons, Emperor Concerto & Chopin

Vivaldi´s Four Seasons in Clementinum presented by Royal Czech Orchestra

Royal Czech Orchestra in chamber cast with the piano, soprano singing and violin solo performing in Chapel of Mirrors in Clementinum

  • The Mirror Chapel was solemnly consecrated on September 4, 1726. Built by the Latin Greater Marian Congregation at its own expense between 1722-1726.
  • Dedicated to the Annunciation to the Virgin Mary.
  • The current name came about later thanks to the unusually numerous use of mirrors. The architect of the chapel was probably Kilián Ignác Dientzenhofer.
  • In the middle of the front wall stood the main altar, which was lost after secularization in 1784.
  • Today, there is an additional baroque organ built in this place, dating back to around 1732 (most likely the Jesuit organist Tomáš Schwarz).
  • The Annunciation to the Virgin Mary determines the basic iconographic program of the chapel.
  • The most important part of the decoration are the ceiling paintings, the motto of which became the Marian prayer Ave Maria (Hail Mary).
  • The angelic greeting is divided into five syllables, and each of them is reserved for one vault field. The murals are complemented by stucco decoration by Bernardo Spinetti from 1723-1724.
  • Four oil paintings by Václav Vavřinec Reiner, from the period after 1725, form a continuous thematic series. They capture the events that preceded the birth of the Savior and are also related to the life of the Virgin Mary (Vision of St. John on Patmos, Vision of St. Joseph, Little John the Baptist with St. Zacharias and St. Elizabeth, Virgin Mary with St. Anna and St. James). The vaults on the frescoes are set in stucco decoration, reflecting geometric motifs. The vault was decorated in 1723 by the painter Jan Hiebel. Marble floors, consisting of stars, which are certainly an allusion to the invocation of the Loretta litany (stella matutina - morning star).
  • Mirrors are the main motif of plastic decoration, they are hung in the same place as paintings and replace windows.

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