Castle near Prague

One thing you don't know about me is that I live partly in Prague and partly outside of Prague. That is why I have the opportunity to tell you about the capital as well as the surrounding places, which are not so far from Prague and which you can get to in less than an hour. At least 2 times a week I travel by train on the trail Prague - Beroun.

Not only do I enjoy traveling by train, but it's also much cheaper than a car. You have the opportunity to look around and even meet new people. For example, other travelers, foreigners. Maybe you wonder how it all relates to the title… There is a train from Prague to Beroun that will take you to the station, which is called the same as the castle, which lies on the way from the castle - Karlštejn.

Karlštejn holds a very exceptional position among Czech castles. And why? I would start with Charles IV. because without him, the castle would probably haven't been built.

Charles IV. was the eleventh Czech king, but also the Holy Roman Emperor. Thanks to him, for example, we have Charles University and Stone bridge, which is now known as a Charles bridge. And also the Karlštejn Castle.

Karlštejn Castle was founded in 1348 (the building was completed in 1365). King Charles IV. himself stayed in the castle at the time of construction and supervised it. The castle used to function as a place where Charles IV. saved the royal treasures. Relics of Saints and Imperial Crown Jewels. During the Hussite wars, the Czech crown jewels were also transported to the castle.

Later, between 1887 and 1905, the castle was reconstructed by architect Josef Mocker, who tried to restore the original Gothic appearance. After this reconstruction, the castle gained its present appearance. Now the Karlštejn Castle is owned by the state and is administered by the National Heritage Institute.

And what can you see when you visit the castle?

The Well Tower - a deep (78 meters) castle well.

The Imperial Palace, which served the sovereign and his court. The monarch lived on the second floor and the others on the first floor. Representative halls can be also found in the Imperial Palace.

The Marian Tower Church of Our Lady - a smaller tower connected to the Imperial Palace by a wooden bridge.

The Big Tower, which is connected to the Marian Tower by a wooden bridge. In this tower, you can find the Chapel of the Holy Cross, where there is a wonderful view of the castle surroundings.

Karlštejn Castle and its surroundings are used for various cultural and social events with which you can join the visit. These include concerts, theaters, exhibitions and more.

Soon, more accurately on June 2th, there will be the Royal Parade, which usually begins in Dobřichovice and then ends at Karlštejn. You can read more information about it here:

From our external collaborator Tereza Kultová