Jewish Quarter Tour - Josefov the public tour - on Friday 16 and Monday 19 February 2024 at 9:00 a.m.

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During the tour of the Jewish Quarter in Prague, you will learn more about the history of our neighbors, who have always formed an integral part of our society, a distinctive culture and historical heritage. Their destinies and stories. Why the ghetto was created in the past, how everyday life lived in them. What Jews were allowed, what they were not allowed or, on the contrary, had to do or endure, unlike the majority population. You will learn how the Jewish quarter has changed its face, what slum clearance means and what is left of the ghetto to this day. You will learn the troubled fate of Jews during the 20th century and why barely several thousand of them live in our country today. 

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During our walk we will visit a total of 4 synagogues, including the oldest preserved Jewish cemetery in our territory and we will see the oldest active synagogue in Europe (this one viewing from the outside). Gradually you will have the opportunity to enter the Maisel Synagogue from the 16th century, where we will talk about the arrival of Jews in our territory and their life until the emancipation, from the 15th century is the Pinkas Synagogue, where we honor the memory of Holocaust victims, go through the old Jewish cemetery and show some tombstones, in the Klausen Synagogue we will talk about customs and traditions and in the end we will enter the maybe the most beatifull synagogue on the European continent - Spanish synagogue. We will also show you the Hebrew clock and you can enjoy the breathtaking Art Nouveau architecture of the area.

The price per person in the package - guide services already includes the ticket and in addition a comfortable conference listening device plus you will receive a headphone. You can also use your own headphones for listening, for example from a mobile phone - the system is homologated. All participants will hear the same. The tour is primarily conducted in the Czech language. If a foreign visitor also arrives, it will be additionally translated into English.

The final price in individual categories is a combination of the BellPrague pricing policy and at the same time the ticket prices of the Jewish Museum in Prague and the Prague Jewish Community.
The meeting with the BellPrague guide is under the bust of Franz Kafka.

Meeting point for Jewish Quarter – Franz Kafka

Nám. Franze Kafky No. 24/3
110 00 Prague 1 - Old Town
Franz Kafka Square is located on the border of the Old Town of Prague and Josefov, just a few steps from the northwest corner of Old Town Square, it also borders the Church of St. Nicholas.
The nearest public transport station is Staroměstská metro station, line A and also the tram stop of the same name no. 2, 17 and 18. After getting off less than 5 minutes walk along Kaprova street.

We will meet at the corner with/under the bust of Franz Kafka. The guide will have a BellPrague sign.

Nám. Franze Kafky No. 24/3 = Franz Kafka Square No.  24/3 - náměstí Franze Kafky No. 24/3

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