Beautiful Ave Maria Songs in the Changes of Time and much more Consortium Pragense Orchestra concert in the church of St. Nicholas in the Old Town Square

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St. Nicholas church in the Old Town Square in Prague, originally commissioned by Benedictines from Emausy, the plans for the church were worked out by Kilian Ignacio Dienzenhofer.

The church is known for its remarkable chandelier, produced before the end of 19th Century in Harrachov glassworks. The organ was originally produced for the Jesuit church in Bohosudov.

Since 1919 the church is used by Czechoslovak Hussite church.


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 Program of the concert:

  • J. S. BACH / CH. GOUNOD: Ave Maria
  • W. A. MOZART: Alleluja 
  • F. SCHUBERT: Ave Maria
  • A. DVOŘÁK: Humoresque
  • G. VERDI: Ave Maria

Soloists: Štěpánka Heřmánková – soprano; Miroslav Laštovka – trumpet and Michal Hanzal – organ tohether with CONSORTIUM PRAGENSE ORCHESTRA

The musicians perform downstairs in front of the altar.

The concert lasts 60 minutes.

In winter, heating is provided.

Please, note:

For the discounted tickets (seniors and students) you need to show the proof of your age (seniors 65 and more - passport, ID etc.), students up to the age of 26 your valid student card.


St. Nicholas Church in the Old Town

Old Town Square No. 1101
110 00 St. Nicolas Church

How to get to this concert:

The church of St. Nicolas – Mikuláš in the Czech language - enjoys excellent location to be reached from various directions. The shortest way to arrive for the concert is following the Kaprova Street from Staroměstská metro (= underground, subway) station – line A, equally trams (streetcars) No. 2, 17 and 18 or possibly bus No. 207. Before or after the concert you can take lovely walk also via Parizska Street – at the end there are bus 207 and tram 17 stops - the name of the stop is Pravnicka fakulta or you also can follow Dlouha or Celetna Streets.

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