There's been a terrible heat in Prague for over a week, which cannot be solved otherwise than sitting somewhere in the shade or eating hectoliters of ice cream or go for a swim. The question is where to go. There are quite a lot of public swimming pools in Prague, but who would want to squeeze between people? I wouldn't want to!

If you have read my previous articles, you know that I often go by train to Karlštejn Castle and its surroundings which are so beautiful. And one of them are quarries, which you can find nearby and which many people who know about them use them for swimming in summer.

I will not lie to you, most of them are forbidden to access, and only because it is quite dangerous to get down to these lakes. But even so, there is one, my favorite one, which still serves for the recreation and the path to it is not too dangerous.
Homolák Quarry

I know this beautiful quarry for a long time, but I have never been there too much and that changed last year when I decided to go for the whole afternoon. In the past, the quarry was used for limestone mining, and nowadays it is not mined in it and is gradually being pledged. So every year, its structure changes a little and the approaches to water are different, but the water is still wonderful. However, you must always be careful.

I suggest you take snacks, fruit, and lemonade and spend the day at the quarry, you won't regret it.

I just ask you always to pick up everything around you, the more people know about such place, the more people in the place leave rubbish and we do not want that in nature!

And if you are non-swimmer and you rather like to walk. The area around the quarry is breathtaking. Real nature. Especially the renowned Great America Quarry (Lom) - the Czech Grand Canyon, which is used even for filming movies. For example, a well-known film, Lemonade Joe, was filmed here. Even if you don't even get down, you can walk around the quarry. It is wonderful at any time of the year, most in the fall, because of the colorful deciduous tree.

The last place is Little America Quarry. It's smaller than Great America Quarry but better accessible, and when I was there with my friends the last time, we were only people there, which is always good, when you escape the big city!